Duration: 12 Weeks
Group Project: 3 members
Community Project
Focus: Fabrication and Installation
The goal was create an emergency food pantry/little library for Andrews House, a non-profit community center in Delaware, Ohio. The previous food pantry/little library served its' purpose but wasn't able to withstand the various climates Ohio has to offer. We set out to create a new food pantry/little library that continued to serve its' purpose to the community, but was also able to last.

Side View

Front View


Paint/Wood Deterioration

Original Sketches

Sketches cont.

Chipboard model

Chipboard model variation
We assessed different forms for the product. Using sketching and model making we finalized our form to fabricate our final food pantry/little library. We used various woodworking tools including the table saw, circular sander and laser printer.


Joinery cont.